

提醒:本文最后更新于2023-02-16 19:14,文中所关联的信息可能已发生改变,请知悉!

accurisHosting是一家完全加拿大的托管公司,成立于2020年6月15日,以低廉的价格提供专用资源。服务器位于大多伦多地区,以确保到加拿大和美国大部分地区的最佳路由,并确保你的个人数据受到加拿大严格的数据保护法的保护。数据中心包括加拿大多伦多和纽约,提供BGP Session和IP租赁。原生IP,可解锁Netflix


Toronto KVM VDS 1GB
1GB Memory
20GB SSD Storage
2TB Transfer @ 250/250Mbps
1 IPv4 Address
Dedicated IPv6 /64 Subnet
测试IP: 购买链接


- IPV4 -
 Country:                               Canada
 Region:                                Ontario
 City:                                  Markham
 ISP:                                   12128489 Canada Inc.
 Org:                                   12128489 Canada Inc.

 -- Greater China --
 BiliBili China Mainland Only:          No
 BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan:        No
 Bilibili Taiwan Only:                  No
 Bahamut Anime:                         No
 MyTVSuper:                             No
 Now E:                                 No
 ViuTV:                                 No

 -- Japan --
 Abema.TV:                              Only overseas
 Paravi:                                No
 U-NEXT:                                No
 Hulu Japan:                            No
 Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan:        Yes
 Pretty Derby Japan:                    Yes
 Kancolle Japan:                        No

 -- Europe and America --
 HBO Max:                               No
 HBO Now:                               No
 ABC:                                   No
 BBC:                                   No

 -- Global --
 Netflix:                               Yes(Region: CA)
 YouTube:                               Yes(Region: CA)
 DisneyPlus:                            Yes(Region: CA)
 DAZN:                                  Yes(Country: CA)
 Steam:                                 Yes(Currency: CAD)

- IPV6 -


ID    测速服务器信息       上传/Mbps   下载/Mbps   延迟/ms
3633  电信|上海      ↑ 9.28      ↓ 214.82    205.75
17145 电信|安徽合肥5G  ↑ 188.06    ↓ 225.54    200.43
27575 电信|新疆乌鲁木齐  ↑ 0.82      ↓ 222.13    260.18
5396  电信|江苏苏州5G  ↑ 83.83     ↓ 240.75    198.04
23844 电信|湖北武汉    ↑ 178.84    ↓ 165.89    246.36
29353 电信|湖北武汉5G  ↑ 183.80    ↓ 222.80    204.97
28225 电信|湖南长沙5G  ↑ 124.00    ↓ 189.03    241.81
3973  电信|甘肃兰州    ↑ 1.62      ↓ 175.14    241.73
24447 联通|上海5G    ↑ 165.89    ↓ 224.00    219.11
27154 联通|天津5G    ↑ 175.51    ↓ 179.25    220.93
26180 联通|山东济南5G  ↑ 198.54    ↓ 216.15    219.46
26678 联通|广东广州5G  ↑ 179.23    ↓ 222.99    237.37
13704 联通|江苏南京    ↑ 186.42    ↓ 213.23    199.99
4870  联通|湖南长沙    ↑ 100.05    ↓ 167.83    251.52
25858 移动|北京      ↑ 0.37      ↓ 186.24    309.24
17184 移动|天津5G    ↑ 0.48      ↓ 165.59    313.66
16398 移动|贵州贵阳    ↑ 198.05    ↓ 227.11    286.26


[Info] 测试路由 到 上海电信(天翼云) 中 ...
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  ca-yyz1-0.core.as212934.net (  0.49 ms  AS212934  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, accurishosting.ca
 2  yyz.as62513.net (  0.59 ms  AS62513  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, gocode.it
 3  1.63 ms  AS174  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, cogentco.com
 4  te0-0-2-1.rcr12.b011027-3.yyz02.atlas.cogentco.com (  1.49 ms  AS174  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, cogentco.com
 5  te0-9-0-10.ccr31.yyz02.atlas.cogentco.com (  1.83 ms  AS174  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, cogentco.com
 6  be2993.ccr21.cle04.atlas.cogentco.com (  8.73 ms  AS174  United States, Ohio, Cleveland, cogentco.com
 7  be2717.ccr41.ord01.atlas.cogentco.com (  15.74 ms  AS174  United States, Illinois, Chicago, cogentco.com
 8  be2831.ccr21.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com (  26.91 ms  AS174  United States, Missouri, Kansas City, cogentco.com
 9  be3035.ccr21.den01.atlas.cogentco.com (  39.06 ms  AS174  United States, Colorado, Denver, cogentco.com
10  be3037.ccr21.slc01.atlas.cogentco.com (  49.08 ms  AS174  United States, Utah, Salt Lake City, cogentco.com
11  be3109.ccr21.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com (  64.73 ms  AS174  United States, California, San Francisco, cogentco.com
12  be3669.ccr41.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com (  65.79 ms  AS174  United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
13  66.64 ms  AS174  United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
14  195.06 ms  AS4134  China, ChinaTelecom
15  188.07 ms  AS4134  China, ChinaTelecom
16  196.90 ms  AS4134  China, ChinaTelecom
17  208.87 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom

[Info] 测试路由 到 上海电信(天翼云) 完成 !
[Info] 测试路由 到 上海电信CN2 中 ...
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  ca-yyz1-0.core.as212934.net (  0.41 ms  AS212934  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, accurishosting.ca
 2  yyz.as62513.net (  0.59 ms  AS62513  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, gocode.it
 3  2.15 ms  AS174  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, cogentco.com
 4  te0-0-2-1.rcr11.b011027-3.yyz02.atlas.cogentco.com (  2.17 ms  AS174  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, cogentco.com
 5  be2307.ccr31.yyz02.atlas.cogentco.com (  2.52 ms  AS174  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, cogentco.com
 6  ae-4.bar4.Toronto1.Level3.net (  4.75 ms  AS3356  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, level3.com
 7  *
 8  CHINA-TELEC.ear2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net (  74.40 ms  AS3356  United States, California, Los Angeles, level3.com
 9  *
10  *
11  *
12  207.63 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
13  203.82 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
14  213.55 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom

[Info] 测试路由 到 上海电信CN2 完成 !
[Info] 测试路由 到 浙江杭州联通 中 ...
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  ca-yyz1-0.core.as212934.net (  0.34 ms  AS212934  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, accurishosting.ca
 2  yyz.as62513.net (  0.52 ms  AS62513  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, gocode.it
 3  2.12 ms  AS174  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, cogentco.com
 4  te0-0-2-1.rcr11.b011027-3.yyz02.atlas.cogentco.com (  2.14 ms  AS174  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, cogentco.com
 5  be2307.ccr31.yyz02.atlas.cogentco.com (  2.50 ms  AS174  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, cogentco.com
 6  be2993.ccr21.cle04.atlas.cogentco.com (  9.07 ms  AS174  United States, Ohio, Cleveland, cogentco.com
 7  be2717.ccr41.ord01.atlas.cogentco.com (  16.90 ms  AS174  United States, Illinois, Chicago, cogentco.com
 8  be2765.ccr41.ord03.atlas.cogentco.com (  16.37 ms  AS174  United States, Illinois, Chicago, cogentco.com
 9  verizon.ord03.atlas.cogentco.com (  16.30 ms  AS174  United States, Illinois, Chicago, cogentco.com
10  *
11  &# (  66.93 ms  AS701  United States, California, San Jose, verizon.com
12  253.05 ms  AS4837  China, ChinaUnicom
13  220.89 ms  AS4837  China, ChinaUnicom
14  249.04 ms  AS4837  China, ChinaUnicom
15  237.98 ms  AS4837  China, ChinaUnicom

[Info] 测试路由 到 浙江杭州联通 完成 !
[Info] 测试路由 到 广州移动 中 ...
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  ca-yyz1-0.core.as212934.net (  0.40 ms  AS212934  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, accurishosting.ca
 2  yyz.as62513.net (  0.66 ms  AS62513  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, gocode.it
 3  1.60 ms  AS174  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, cogentco.com
 4  te0-0-2-1.rcr11.b011027-3.yyz02.atlas.cogentco.com (  1.46 ms  AS174  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, cogentco.com
 5  be2308.ccr32.yyz02.atlas.cogentco.com (  2.09 ms  AS174  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, cogentco.com
 6  be2994.ccr22.cle04.atlas.cogentco.com (  8.66 ms  AS174  United States, Ohio, Cleveland, cogentco.com
 7  be2718.ccr42.ord01.atlas.cogentco.com (  16.50 ms  AS174  United States, Illinois, Chicago, cogentco.com
 8  be2832.ccr22.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com (  27.83 ms  AS174  United States, Missouri, Kansas City, cogentco.com
 9  be3036.ccr22.den01.atlas.cogentco.com (  39.81 ms  AS174  United States, Colorado, Denver, cogentco.com
10  be3038.ccr32.slc01.atlas.cogentco.com (  50.12 ms  AS174  United States, Utah, Salt Lake City, cogentco.com
11  be3110.ccr22.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com (  64.51 ms  AS174  United States, California, San Francisco, cogentco.com
12  be3670.ccr41.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com (  65.85 ms  AS174  United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
13  65.82 ms  AS174  United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
14  66.60 ms  AS58453  China, ChinaMobile
15  224.48 ms  AS58453  China, ChinaMobile
16  224.62 ms  AS9808  China, ChinaMobile
17  224.97 ms  AS9808  China, ChinaMobile
18  224.98 ms  AS9808  China, ChinaMobile
19  226.01 ms  AS9808  China, ChinaMobile
20  *
21  225.24 ms  AS56040  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
22  *
23  457.65 ms  AS56040  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile

[Info] 测试路由 到 广州移动 完成 !
[Info] 测试路由 到 北京教育网 中 ...
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  ca-yyz1-0.core.as212934.net (  0.42 ms  AS212934  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, accurishosting.ca
 2  yyz.as62513.net (  0.32 ms  AS62513  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, gocode.it
 3  he-as6939.torix.ca (  7.42 ms  AS7713  Canada, Ontario, Toronto, torix.net
 4  100ge6-1.core1.ywg1.he.net (  22.44 ms  AS6939  Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg, he.net
 5  100ge0-30.core2.yyc1.he.net (  37.81 ms  AS6939  Canada, Alberta, Calgary, he.net
 6  100ge0-33.core2.yvr1.he.net (  49.13 ms  AS6939  Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver, he.net
 7  100ge15-1.core1.sea1.he.net (  68.00 ms  AS6939  United States, Washington, Seattle, he.net
 8  100ge11-2.core1.tyo1.he.net (  131.64 ms  AS6939  Japan, Tokyo, he.net
 9  100ge10-2.core1.hkg1.he.net (  180.84 ms  AS6939  China, Hong Kong, he.net

Socket error Event: 32 Error: 10053.
11  214.29 ms  AS4538  China, CHINAEDU
12  *
13  215.06 ms  AS4538  China, CHINAEDU
14  220.51 ms  AS4538  China, CHINAEDU
15  215.34 ms  AS4538  China, CHINAEDU

[Info] 测试路由 到 北京教育网 完成 !




1 Dedicated Core
1GB Memory
20GB SSD Storage
2TB Transfer @ 250/250Mbps
1 IPv4 Address
Dedicated IPv6 /64 Subnet
Starting from
1 Dedicated Core
2GB Memory
40GB SSD Storage
5TB Transfer @ 250/250Mbps
1 IPv4 Address
Dedicated IPv6 /64 Subnet
Starting from


LemonBench Server Test Tookit 20201005 Intl BetaVersion (C)iLemonrain. All Rights Reserved.
 [Info] Bench Start Time: 2021-06-16 08:33:30
 [Info] Test Mode: Fast Mode

 -> System Information

 OS Release:		Debian GNU/Linux "Stretch" 9.4 (x86_64)
 CPU Model:		Intel Xeon E3-12xx v2 (Ivy Bridge, IBRS)  2.19 GHz
 CPU Cache Size:	16384 KB
 CPU Number:		2 vCPU
 VirtReady:		Yes (Nested Virtualization)
 Virt Type:		KVM
 Memory Usage:		427.40 MB / 996.31 MB
 Swap Usage:		11.49 MB / 1023.00 MB
 Boot Device:		/dev/vda1
 Disk Usage:		1.64 GB / 19.59 GB
 CPU Usage:		0.4% used, 0.0% iowait, 0.5% steal
 Load (1/5/15min):	1.36 0.95 0.87 
 Uptime:		0 Days, 8 Hours, 22 Minutes, 45 Seconds
 Kernel Version:	4.9.0-4-amd64
 Network CC Method:	cubic + pfifo_fast

 -> Network Infomation

 IPV4 - IP Address:	[CA]
 IPV4 - ASN Info:	AS212934 (ACCURIS_HOSTING - 12128489 Canada Inc, NL)
 IPV4 - Region:		Canada Ontario Toronto
 -> Media Unlock Test 
 HBO Now:				No
 Bahamut Anime:				No
 Abema.TV:				Yes
 Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan:	Yes
 BBC:					No
 BiliBili China Mainland Only:		No
 BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan:	No
 Bilibili Taiwan Only:			No

 -> CPU Performance Test (Fast Mode, 1-Pass @ 5sec)

 1 Thread Test: 		430 Scores
 2 Threads Test: 		755 Scores

 -> Memory Performance Test (Fast Mode, 1-Pass @ 5sec)

 1 Thread - Read Test :		9315.91 MB/s
 1 Thread - Write Test:		7476.10 MB/s

 -> Disk Speed Test (4K Block/1M Block, Direct Mode)

 Test Name		Write Speed				Read Speed
 100MB-4K Block		22.9 MB/s (5579 IOPS, 4.59s)		28.3 MB/s (6919 IOPS, 3.70s)
 1GB-1M Block		1.0 GB/s (955 IOPS, 1.05s)		996 MB/s (949 IOPS, 1.05s)